Thursday, 1 January 2009


Image representing Zemanta as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

Zemanta is a platform that aims to help online content producers find related content from across the web to enhance their publication(s). A blog, an article or a web page can be fed into its system, which then recognises it and returns suggested images, smart links, keywords and relevant related stories from the web.

Based on the input, the engine recommends links to content from: Amazon, Crunchbase, Wikipedia, Freebase, MusicBrainz, Flickr, Daylife and social networks.

Zemanta analyses copy through its proprietary natural language processing and semantic algorithms, and statistically compares its contextual framework to a pre-indexed database of content. The system uses a combination of machine learning techniques and end-user input that enables the engine to be trained and to constantly improve the recommendations.

With the launch of the public API, Zemanta is opening up its technology for blogging platforms, media companies and other content database owners to enable them to leverage their unstructured content and enhance it with relevant related content.

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